PHP (Hypertext Pre-proccessor) is a server side scripting langauge which basically used to develop web based applications and also allows web developers to create dynamic content which interacts with database.
Environment Setup
Download xampp server from website
Install the downloaded file.
After installing open the xampp-control and start Apache server.
Writing a First Program
Notepad is the best environment to write program easily and executed through browser.
PHP syntax in Notepad:
PHP syntax in Notepad:
Step1: Write a program in notepad.
Creating Variables
We need to create variables in php with a dollar symbol '$'.
Conditional Statements
1. If...else() statement:
Syntax: if (condition)
// statements
// statement
2. if..elseif() statement:
Syntax: if (condition)
// statements
else if (condition)
// statement
// statements
Looping Statements
1. for() loop:
Syntax: for (initialisation;condition;increment/decrement)
2. while() loop:
Syntax: while(<condition>)
String Manipulation
1. Printing new line.
2. String Concatenation.
3. Length of string (strlen()):
4. Accessing position from string (strpos()):
5. Getting Substring from string( substr('string','start_index','length_of string').
File Handling in Python
1. Reading a file
1. Input file:
2. Program and output