The Associate is a person who is connected with other businesses and act as a partner or campaign of business.
Details of a Associate
1. Basic Info
1) The vendor name.
2) he associate code is for uniqueness of an associate.
3) The contact name using which we can contact.It may same as name but sometimes differs.
4) Associate Type: The type of associate can be dealer, distributor, supplier, fabricator, designer etc.,
5) Referred By: The person who refers an associate.
2. Contact Information
1) Primary phone and secondary phone
2) Mobile number details for calling
3) Fax number to send some documents
4) Email address for mailing and
5) Website information to know about the associate.
Details of a Associate
1. Basic Info
2) he associate code is for uniqueness of an associate.
3) The contact name using which we can contact.It may same as name but sometimes differs.
4) Associate Type: The type of associate can be dealer, distributor, supplier, fabricator, designer etc.,
5) Referred By: The person who refers an associate.
2. Contact Information
The contact information include
1) Primary phone and secondary phone
2) Mobile number details for calling
3) Fax number to send some documents
4) Email address for mailing and
5) Website information to know about the associate.
3. Address
The address information of an associate for reference.
4. Location
The company location to which he is an associate.
5. Sales Representative
The person who is responsible for transaction with this associate.