Details of a Service
1. Basic Info
Sort Order: The preferable order of a service.
1. Basic Info
Sort Order: The preferable order of a service.
Name: The Name of a service.
SKU: The SKU is a service identification code, often portrayed as a machine readable bar code that helps to track the service details.
Basic UOM: Basic Unit of Measure of a service provided is to be selected.
Service Category: The Category of a service i.e., delivery, cutout, transport is to be specified.
Service Type: Service type is the type of service your providing for whether installation, delivery, tile waterproofing etc.,
Sales/Income Account: The account effected for this service provided.
Preferred Vendor: Vendor who is preferable for providing this service.
Avg. Est. Unit. Cost: Average Unit Cost for the service provided.
Purchase/Expense account: The account effected for service taken from vendor.
Service is taxable or not.
2. Selling Prices
The selling prices are decided based on the customer type i.e, retailer, wholesaler, distributor, fabricator or generic customer based on which price to the service is decided.
Price Range: The range of price whether low level, high level or mid level.
3. Usage
The usage of service charge whether in POs, SOs, customer/supplier credit memos is to be selected.